Home Made Hour


Home Made Hour is un-missable ! -

Why ? Well partly because it's memorably held at 10am - 11am on the First Saturday of each month
(unless there is a clash with Harvest, or Nicky needs to move it - in fact it's probably not unmissable for that at all),

. . . . but mainly because it's a great opportunity to spend an hour having
a chat, a cuppa, and a gorgeous slice of home made cake - all for next to nothing.

Homemade Cakes

The delicious Cakes are all donated and the money raised goes directly to All Saints Church - so what better way to help preserve the Church Tower than by expanding your waistline in the process !

Homemade Hour 

Why not get involved by:

 Making Cakes, Buying Cakes, Donating Raffle items or just coming along and adding to the occasion.

A warm welcome awaits from the HomeMade Girls

The HomeMade Girls