Great Holland Village Stores


Village Store

The Great Holland Village Stores




The Future of Grt Holland Village Store.

Following the sad news of the forced sale of the Village store - Roger Frere has offered up some hope.

In an open letter (click here)  to the village, he writes :

"The owners of Great Holland Hall & Manor Farm have purchased the freehold of Great Holland village store.

I have been asked to give assurance that they fully intend for it to remain a Post Office and Village Store, on the proviso that the Post Office contract is retained.

Any ideas or assistance in achieving this would be appreciated. Please contact on the e-mail address:

Kind regards

Roger Frere

Manager, Frinton Farm Partners"


This could be a real opportunity to save a valuable asset for Great Holland - with Community involvement !   

Don't let apathy reign : Why not contact Roger today ?